Lexus of Tacoma is a company that practices extreme hospitality while serving customers. The waiting area of the Lexus customer service center resembles a coffee house and customers are treated with treats, fresh coffee, soft drinks and Wi-Fi for entertainment while their cars are being serviced. Lexus works hard to make a lasting impression with every sale and service to properly honor customers.
Like many great leadership teams Lexus has a rich history of serving people in their community who lack basic needs. They are engaged with and support several charities such as Emergency Food Network, Olive Crest, Stronger Families, Multicare Foundation and others. Lexus employees volunteer time and financial support is given, to help make their community a helping place for people in need. Also, like many companies Lexus had never considered how they might invite customers to be part of a greater purpose they share as a company.
Sozo / World Changers developed a gift for Lexus to properly thank every customer who buys a car. This gift highlights that because of the car purchase, funds were going to be donated, in honor of the customer to a local charity. Lexus Tacoma both thanks customers and invites them to be part of Lexus efforts in helping to meet community needs by allowing them to choose a charity to receive a donation, that is meaningful to their customer. Sozo World Changers developed a World Changer Page for Lexus customer’s comments (see below) to be posted when they choose a charity for the donation. The Lexus of Tacoma World Changer Page keeps track of customer choices on a fun scoreboard and links back to the Lexus website keeping customers returning to see the latest Lexus offers.
Lexus of Tacoma Customer Comment
Sozo World Changers has partnered to hosts events at Lexus which feature new cars and fun tasting of new wines released by the Sozo winery. At these events customers get to share the story of a community that is both excellent and meaningful. Lexus of Tacoma is earning the right to lead in both the hearts and minds of their customers.