Family Financial Partners | World Changers

Family Financial Partners

World Changer Scoreboard

Meet the Amazing Family Financial Team

Generosity Rating: 5

The Generosity Rating is an average of how Family Financial Partners customers rate efforts to help meet local and global needs (see ratings below). The World Changer scoreboard shows actual contribution made by Family Financial Partners in partnership with customers

Whatever your financial goals, we will work to develop a financial plan that is tailored to you. As a team, we will identify the specific needs and dreams you bring to the table. We will ask questions, listen to your concerns and work behind the scenes to find solutions for you. Our team approach won’t be limited to inside our office; we will extend this philosophy and, with your permission, reach out to other professionals, such as your accountant or attorney, to provide an integrated approach and attempt to ensure maximum benefit.

Stories that inspire a better world!


ffp-croppedFamily Financial Foundation was founded by David Smyth and Alex Roig in 2010. We are a Lexington, Kentucky-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization designed to raise awareness, enhance, and financially support nonprofit organizations that share our core values. Typically, these organizations are chosen based on their commitment to improve the quality of family life within the state of Kentucky. Family Financial Foundation was founded on the belief that individuals and families in need deserve the opportunity to better themselves.

Our mission is to increase public awareness of established, local nonprofits that are in need of additional financial and volunteer support from our community. Central to our efforts is the belief that helping others in our community is vital in creating a stronger economy for future generations.